Why Man Must go to Gym?

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"Why should I go to gym? Isn’t it just tiring. "
"And it spends my money too."
Well, if you think you are a man, then you must go to gym.
"Is it a must?"

This is the reason why man must go to gym :

1. Man is a family leader, so you must be strong

You must go to gym, because besides being a leader of your household, you must be strong, you know. from starting to lift the gallon, lift gas 12KG, pickaback your wife, imagine if your body is thin and skinny, then you can't replace the gallon. Then, will you ask your neighbor for help?

2. Having a athletic body makes girls melt

Who does not want to have an athletic body like me? I bet every man does. It surely makes girls melt when seeing my body. I know I don’t have six pack which girls insterest to. But you can do more to have six pack. You have to exercise regularly, especially GYM, it's not expensive if it's compared to the current college allowance.

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3. Increase Confident

If you have a really cool and handsome look, surely you will more confident to just walk with your friends, if there is someone who dares to annoy you, then just show your biceps and your chest to them to tell that your are stronger.

4. Ease the Burden in the Head

You have a probelm? Try weight lifting at gym, get rid of your anger there, get angry in a healthy way, with heavy weightlifting your muscles are accidentally trained to become even bigger. As the saying goes "WHEN LIFE GET COMPLICATED, GO TO THE GYM"

5. Improving Physical Health

Your handsomeness is useless If your lung is dirty. Come on guys, now the gym has become a healthy lifestyle, and you still believe that guys who like to go gym are gay? Try to open your mind, the gym guy is actually someone who cares about health and appearance. If you go to gym, you will surely have a healthy body. So what are you waiting for? Let’s go to gym!

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Mirwan Choky: Why Man Must go to Gym?
Why Man Must go to Gym?
Why Man Must go to Gym?
Mirwan Choky
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